An Effective Algorithm for Planarity Testing of Graphs 可平面图判定的一种有效算法&路径嵌入法
Comparing to other embedding algorithms, the proposed algorithm is easy to be implemented, planarity testing and embedding are finished at the same time. 与其它基于Hopcroft-Tarjian平面图判定算法的嵌入算法的实现方法相比,该方法更容易实现,并且判定和嵌入同时完成。
A new neural network algorithm for the planarity testing problem is presented. 给出了平面测试问题的一种新型的神经网络算法。
A planarity testing algorithm of Hamiltonian graph 哈密顿平面图的一个判定算法
In this paper, an algorithm with its mechanicalization is given, by which one can accomplish the following tasks simultaneously: planarity testing, making and embedding. 本文给出了同时完成图的平面性判定,平面化,以及平面嵌入的一个算法。同时给出了这一算法的机器化结果。
Planarity testing algorithm of graphs is a quite complex process. 图的平面性判定算法是相当复杂的。